Database requirements for skype
Database requirements for skype

database requirements for skype

(Session consistency is often ideal for scenarios where a device or user session is involved because it guarantees monotonic reads, monotonic writes, and read-your-own-writes.)

  • Consistency level: In setting up geo-replication, the team chose session consistency from among the five consistency levels supported by Azure Cosmos DB.
  • However, it later turned out that a single presence in each of those three geographies was enough to meet all SLAs.
  • Geo-replication: The team started by deploying Azure Cosmos DB in one Azure region, then used its pushbutton geo-replication to replicate it to a total of seven Azure regions: three in North America, two in Europe, and two in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.
  • database requirements for skype

    Some early choices made by the team included the following: It gave Skype everything needed for its new People Core Service (PCS), including turnkey global distribution and elastic scaling of throughput and storage, making it an ideal foundation for distributed apps like Skype that require extremely low latency at global scale. Skype found the perfect fit in Azure Cosmos DB, the globally distributed NoSQL database service from Microsoft.

    database requirements for skype

    The solution Putting data closer to users Note: Comments in italics/parenthesis are the author's. In part 3, we’ll cover the outcomes resulting from those efforts. In this post (part 2 of 3), we examine how Skype implemented Azure Cosmos DB to modernize its backend infrastructure. In part 1, we explored the challenges Skype faced that led them to take action. This is a three-part blog post series about how organizations are using Azure Cosmos DB to meet real world needs, and the difference it’s making to them.

    Database requirements for skype